
Oximeters for Non-Medical Uses

Non-medical oximeters are sport-versions of pulse oximeters designed to meet the needs of the high altitude performance sports and aviator markets. They often come in the form of the fingertip pulse oximeter used in high-altitude situations and can be relied upon by pilots or anyone working under such environments (i.e. extreme sports and mountain climbing). They are designed to provide correct blood oximetry and pulse rate measurement while in motion. This makes it perfect for pilots, who can receive inaccurate readings from some other oximeters under conditions of high-altitude and motion artifact.

By measuring your saturated blood oxygen content and heart rate you will be able to accurately assess how you are adapting to high altitude. A fingertip pulse oximeter tells you what percent of your hemoglobin molecules are carrying oxygen, commonly referred to as blood oxygen saturation (%SpO2).

At higher altitudes, blood oxygen saturation decreases because of the reduced amount of oxygen in the air.

Digital pulse oximeters measure blood oxygen saturation in a non-invasive fashion by shining red and infrared light through the fingertip and reading the fluctuating signals that are received as a result of fluctuations caused by blood flow.

This fluctuation in red and infrared signals is used to calculate the blood oxygen saturation of hemoglobin.

The Oximeter Medical guideline

As a medical guideline, one should never allow one’s saturation level to fall below 10 percentage points under his’ stable home level. For example, if the saturation level at home is normally 97%, adjust the oxygen flow rate so that the level doesn't fall below 87%. A fingertip pulse oximeter can be used to help one determines when to start using supplemental oxygen.

Economical and convenient, a fingertip pulse oximeter is compact and may come either in the clamshell design or the rubber boot design. The user can just insert his finger and to turn it on and the results come in a few seconds. Finger digit pulse oximeters come in various sizes for portability and convenience, depending on the use. Finger digit pulse oximeters, not just promise instant and accurate results, but also carry add-on features.

Digital pulse oximeters are often times the most advanced among the nonmedical oximeters and have the capacity to store up to 99 readings. There are even digital pulse oximeters that are powered to enable up to 1,500 spot checks, can indicate the real signal strength, and are printer-interfaced.

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